Event Info


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The National Planning Department – DNP, thru the Colombian Ministry of Nacional Defence​​ and the Defence Sector Social and Corporate Group –GSED, with the support of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and its affiliate entities (Bancoldex, Procolombia and the Productive Transformation Program) invite you to the Private Industry and Defence Sector Encounter: "An alliance for productive transformation" (Encuentro de la industria privada y del sector defensa: "Una alianza para la transformación productiva") that will take place the 24th and 25th of august 2016, in the Santa Cruz de Castillogrande Navy Club in the city of Cartagena, Colombia.

The purpose of this Encounter is to promote productive development of the industry through actions and activities aimed at generating synergies between private industry and the defense sector. The event will bring together Colombia's defense sector industry, potential suppliers, certifying agencies, and international actors in order to enable strategic alliances for the development of products and processes for military and civil use within national and international spheres; as well as to promote the development of parts, components and services and the technical conditions for their marketing.

If you wish to learn more about the event and confirm you participation please register in this webpage through "Register​".

We look forward to your participation.​​

​                 Date: 24th and 25th of august 2016

                 PlaceSanta Cruz de Castillogrande Navy Club​, Cartagena, Colombia

                 Time: ​7am-4pm

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